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Trip Preparation


Health Check & Vaccinations


As part of the Teacher's for Global Classrooms application agreement I was required to recieve and submit a physical that documented health suitible for travel abroad.


Additional preparation for travel abroad begab as soon as I found out my trip destination.  The CDC website reccomended several vacinations for travel to India in addition to routine vaccinations that we reive in the US.  They reccomend vaccinations for Hepatitis A, Typhoid, and Hepatitis B.  Since I am extending my stay with a side trip to Sri Lanka I decided to get a vaccination for Japanese Encephalitis.


Rabies is prevalent in India with estimates of 30,000 to 50,000 human cases per year.  I am fortunate to have been previously vaccinated against rabies, and an antibody titer check revealed that I still have immunity to the virus.


There is no risk of contracting Yellow Fever in India, but because I traveled abroad to Panama last year, I was required to have proof of a Yellow Fever vaccination to process my Vsa and enter India in June.




I began to learn Hindi in preparation to my trip to India; however, I was surprised to learn that unlike the United States there are different languages in different areas in India.  I will be traveling to Vedavalli Vidyalaya Senior Secondary School, in Walajapet, Vellore.  The school is located in the state of Tamil Nadu.  The main language is Tamil.  Fortunately English is also spoken there, and it appears my host teacher is quite fluent in English.

This website is not an official U.S. Department of State website. The views and information presented are the grantee's own and do not represent the Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, IREX, or the U.S. Department of State.

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